By T. Leigh Buehler  |  06/25/2024

shipping box with text reading what is the future of retail management

The future of retail management is a dynamic and constantly evolving landscape. It is driven by rapid technological advancements and shifting consumer behaviors.

Students in retail management need to understand certain emerging trends in order to attract customers and improve revenue growth for businesses. These retail trends include:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Customer personalization
  • Omnichannel integration
  • Retail analytics

Retail businesses use these developments to remain competitive in the market. Retailers must reach customers by meeting their shopping demands, whether customers choose to shop at physical stores or use their mobile devices to place orders through an online retail business.


The Rise of Ecommerce and Online Sales

Ecommerce has reshaped the retail landscape and customer experience, because many consumers are often turning to online channels, rather than physically shopping at brick-and-mortar retail stores. Retail businesses need expertise in ecommerce platforms, digital marketing strategies, and online customer engagement tools.

Studying ecommerce is necessary for business and retail management students because it equips them with essential skills used in the digital economy to ensure the best possible customer experience. Understanding ecommerce allows students to develop strategies for online business operations, digital marketing, and customer engagement. It also provides insights into data analytics, cybersecurity, and logistics.

With businesses increasingly relying on digital platforms and QR codes, proficiency in ecommerce technology is vital. Understanding ecommerce prepares students to seek diverse career opportunities and develop the ability to adapt to the ever-evolving business world. Ultimately, these students will be well versed in the technologies and retail trends shaping the future of the retail industry and the customer journey.


Omnichannel Retailing to Meet Customer Demand

In today’s retail environment, consumers want and expect a seamless shopping experience. They should have zero interruptions across multiple touchpoints, whether they shop through brick-and- mortar stores, websites, mobile apps, or social media platforms.

Through their coursework, business and retail management students learn how to coordinate inventory, marketing, and customer service while driving customer loyalty and sales growth. This knowledge is needed for today’s retail environment, where customers demand convenience and consistency.

Learning and understanding omnichannel retailing prepare students to pursue diverse roles in retail management, marketing, and operations. It equips them with the skills to be innovative and creative.


Retail Analytics and Its Relationship to Decision Making and Inventory Management

Retail and data analytics have become major players in decision-making processes. Savvy retailers harness customer data insights to gain valuable intelligence regarding consumer behavior, market trends, and operational performance.

Studying analytics is essential for students as it will help them to make data-driven decisions and determine pricing strategies, especially in regard to online shopping and ecommerce stores. Analytics involves the use of data to optimize various aspects of retail operations, like inventory management or the customer experience. By understanding consumer behavior, sales trends, and operational efficiencies, students can develop strategies that enhance profitability and customer satisfaction.

A knowledge of analytic tools and techniques is useful for students who want to pursue roles in marketing, sales, and supply chain management. Students learn to develop critical thinking and analytical skills, which are useful for many organizations.


Personalization and Artificial Intelligence Technology

Personalized shopping experiences are becoming the norm in retail, mainly due to the advancements in AI-related retail technology. Many retailers now use AI-powered recommendation engines, chatbots, and virtual assistants. This technology delivers tailored product recommendations or offers personalized support to customers during the customer journey.

Learning about and understanding AI technology enables students to innovate and optimize business processes. Nearly everything from predictive analytics to automated customer service can be optimized. Mastery of these technologies helps to prepare students for business roles that require forward thinking.


Sustainability and Ethical Retail Practices

With growing concerns about environmental sustainability and ethical sourcing, consumers are increasingly demanding transparency and accountability from industry leaders. Customers want sustainable packaging and ethically sourced items.

Retail management students should know the importance of sustainability initiatives, fair trade practices, and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Understanding sustainable practices helps students to develop methods to reduce environmental impact, ensuring long-term business viability and compliance with regulations.

Ethical retail practices, including fair labor and responsible sourcing, enhance brand reputation and foster consumer trust. This knowledge prepares students to lead initiatives that balance profitability with social responsibility.


Continuous Learning and Adaptability

Continuous learning and adaptability are essential traits in the retail industry. Students should stay abreast of emerging technologies, retail trends, and best practices through ongoing education, professional development courses, and networking opportunities. By remaining agile and proactive in their learning journey, aspiring students can learn to become valuable assets in the online retail industry.


The Retail Management Degree at American Military University

Digital retail management has become a must-learn for business students due to its central role in shaping the future of retail business owners. For students interested in subjects such as ecommerce, omnichannel retailing, data-driven decision making through analytics, AI technology, and sustainability, American Military University (AMU) offers an online bachelor’s degree in retail management.

Courses for this program cover a wide range of topics, including retail strategy, retail operations, retail innovation, consumer behavior, and supply chain management. In addition, this bachelor’s degree offers four concentrations to suit students’ needs:

  • Business Analytics
  • Digital Retailing
  • Marketing
  • Reverse Logistics Management

For more information about the bachelor’s in retail management degree and other business-related degrees and certificates, visit our program page.

About The Author
T. Leigh Buehler
T. Leigh Buehler is an assistant professor who teaches retail management courses at the University. She is also a course consultant, social media specialist, and curriculum design team leader. Her academic credentials include a B.A. in history and sociology from Texas A&M University, an MBA in business administration from the University of Phoenix, and a master’s degree in American history, along with numerous certifications in digital marketing.