AMU Student Handbook
In this section

Last Revision: January 24, 2025

How to Drop or Withdraw from a Course - Audit Students

Audit students will not receive any tuition refund for any course withdrawals. If a student is registered for a course as an audit student and withdraws after week one, they will receive an X for the course and will not receive any tuition refund.

  • Students should use the online “Course Drop/Withdraw Form” found under the University Forms Column on the Academic Plan & Forms navigation menu of the student ecampus.
  • Students will need to submit a separate form for each course.
  • If a student does not currently have access to the Internet and needs to drop or withdraw from a course, they should contact [email protected] or call the university’s toll-free number and ask to be transferred to the Office of the Registrar. In an emergency, including technical difficulties, we will honor the drop or withdrawal date as the date we received a student's voicemail or email in the Office of the Registrar.
  • Informing a university staff member who is not part of the Office of the Registrar is not considered an official drop or withdrawal request.