Last Revision: January 24, 2025
Final Grades
Professors have until 8 days after the end date of the course or the end date of the course extension to post final grades. For each assignment during the course, the student's professor has 5 days for grading. Final course grades will be posted after the course ends.
If students are on an extension but turn in coursework early, their professor is still not required to post the final grade until 8 days after the extension end date. However, a student may email their instructor to let them know that they have completed their work and see if their instructor is available to grade their work and post a final grade before the course extension ends.
If a student needs a grade report quickly, they can print an official Grade Report from their ecampus under the MY ACADEMIC RECORDS menu.
If a student starts an extension in a course and then does not submit all of the outstanding coursework by the end of the extension, they will receive a final grade based on the coursework submitted, including 0% scores earned for any work that was not completed.