AMU Student Handbook
In this section

Last Revision: January 24, 2025

Incomplete Grades (Extensions)

An Incomplete grade of “I” is posted to the student's course as soon as their extension is approved. An "I" is not a final grade, and no “I” grade may stay on a student record permanently. The student's professor will change the "I" to a final grade when their extension ends.

Professors are not obligated to grade the course as soon as a student submits their work and have until 8 days after the official course extension end date.

Please note:

  • If a student does not complete work during the extension, their final grade will be posted and calculated based on both the work submitted as well as the work that is not completed.
  • If a student's final grade is not posted within 8 days after the extension end date, students should utilize the “Help” Button within their classroom so that the issue can be addressed appropriately.
  • If a student has 2 or more current "I" grades on record, they will be prohibited from registering online for any additional courses until their final grades have been posted and they only have one “I” grade on their record.
  • A student's Federal Student Aid eligibility may be impacted if they have courses with "I" grades.