AMU Doctoral Handbook
In this section

Last Revision: January 24, 2025

Applying for Graduation

When to submit: Students are encouraged to apply for graduation once they have successfully completed and received a pass status on their 3rd milestone. 

Applicant Information:

Name on Diploma - The student’s name on their diploma or certificate must match the legal last name APUS has on file. Students may spell out their middle name, as well as add generational suffixes (Sr, Jr, etc.). No prefixes, ranks, or titles will be placed on the diploma.

In order to allow a different legal name on their diploma, students must contact the Record Updates Department at [email protected] for assistance with updating their name on file. Once updated, the student may then proceed with applying for graduation, or contact the Graduations Office at [email protected] to update their name if an application has already been submitted. All changes must be made before the student’s conferral or certificate award date.

Application Deadlines for Degree Conferral

The Graduation Application must be received before a student's projected conferral date. If a student is currently on any course extensions, it doesn’t matter if they turn their coursework in before the extension end date. The extensions must be officially scheduled to end before the anticipated conferral date selected on the graduation application.

Students should follow the due dates below for graduation application deadlines:

For conferral on:

Application due no later than:

February 1

December 2

April 1

February 2

June 1

April 2

August 1

June 2

October 1

August 2

December 1

October 2