AMU Student Handbook
In this section

Last Revision: January 24, 2025

Independent Study Courses

If a student is currently enrolled as a Bachelor’s or Master’s program student, they may be eligible to register for Independent Study.

Independent Study courses are designed for students wishing to undertake a research project or to explore a specific area of interest outside the traditional classroom environment while under the mentorship of an APUS professor.

To be eligible for Independent Study, students must:

  • Be enrolled in a Bachelor's or Master's degree program.
  • Have completed a minimum of 24 credit hours of their current degree program.
  • Have chosen and contacted a professor and gained approval for the independent study topic.

Once these conditions are met, students must contact their Academic Advisor. The student's Academic Advisor will arrange with the Registrar Scheduling department to have the student's course section scheduled and will then work with the Registrar’s office to get them registered in that course.

Students can contact [email protected] with questions about Independent Study Courses.