AMU Student Handbook
In this section

Last Revision: January 24, 2025

Automatic Debit Plan

The University System offers an Automatic Debit Plan (ADP) to enable students to spread tuition payments over time by having them automatically charged to a credit card on a preset schedule. The amount and number of payments are proportional to the length of the course and ensure course tuition is paid before the end of the academic period. Students in 16-week courses make four ADP payments. Students in 8-week courses make two ADP payments. To be eligible for the ADP plan, a student must be registered for credit-bearing courses. Audit students are not eligible for ADP.

ADP Eligibility

To be eligible to use ADP, students must:

  • Have declared an undergraduate or graduate degree as their academic goal
  • Use a credit card as payment
  • Have an acceptable credit history with APUS

For more information regarding our payment plans, please visit the AMU or APU tuition & finance site.