AMU Student Handbook
In this section

Last Revision: January 24, 2025

Employer Voucher

Many corporations and companies, including the federal government, offer educational benefits to their employees through an Employer Voucher process. Students should check with their Human Resources representative for specific details. Our university system will provide any necessary documentation regarding tuition, fees, accreditation, course content, or other information that may be required.

Because direct billing cannot be contingent upon a final grade or completion of a course, students will need to pay upfront if their employer requires a specific minimum final grade before a guarantee of tuition payment can be made. We recommend considering using our ADP Payment option if the student falls under this employer reimbursement system. Students can learn more at our AMU or APU tuition & finance site.

Employer Voucher Requirements

  • A student's employer must provide our Finance Office with a guarantee of tuition payment through an Employer Voucher. This voucher should be faxed to our Finance Office prior to the start date of the course.
  • Prior to course registration, students must obtain their Employer's Identification Number (EIN), which can be found on any W-2 form or supplied by the employer’s Human Resources Office.
  • At the time of registration, students must choose "Employer Voucher" as payment type and enter the EIN.